Revlon are on a mission to get us all to Live Boldly and I’m thrilled to be part of the revolution!
“Revlon’s Live Boldly multi-media platform leverages social, digital, and in-person interactions to engage, support and empower women through community building, catalytic experiences, and inspiring conversations.”
What does it mean to Live Boldly?
For me, living boldly means stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying things that ‘scare’ you – ok not actually scare you but things that might make you feel a little uncomfortable and out of the ordinary. You need to embrace your flaws and imperfections and also be able to have the confidence to do the things you love without apologising.
I remember when I was in college (about 16 years old), I used to love doing my makeup everyday, and I don’t mean just caking my face in Dream Matte Mousse! Whether that meant saving my money from my part time job to buy the newest eyeshadow palette or turning up at the bus stop with a smoky eye, it genuinely just interested me playing with makeup and improving my skills. I actually used to want to be a makeup artist back in the day - but this was long before the social media makeup artist age so unfortunately I never really saw that as a viable career. At college, people always used to make comments like ‘why do you spend so long on your makeup’ or ‘you always look so dressed up’. To be honest, this used to make me feel a little insecure, kind of like I was doing something wrong for wanting to feel good and do something I love. I never spent hours before college getting ready, but people just assumed that if you wore makeup that you did and that you were somewhat vein. Should you have to explain yourself for wanting to feel good? Absolutely not!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I don’t feel confident without makeup, because I do! I’m more than happy to step out of the house in the mornings with nothing but a layer of moisturiser on and my boyfriend always says I look really cute without a full face of makeup. I think it’s important not to judge anyone for wanting to express themselves in different ways. If you want to wear bright lips to work, or if you prefer to save makeup for the weekends, you just do YOU.
Off the back of their Live Boldly campaign, Revlon were kind enough to gift me with two of their new Limited Edition Lipsticks and the red orange is the perfect hue to pair with a tan! I’d never even think of wearing an orange based lipstick and it's definitely helped me step outside of my comfort zone. Here’s how shade 064 named ‘She-nomenon’ looks below.
How are you going to try to live more boldly?
Em x
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